John McCord

About John

John McCord spent over twenty years as a systems engineer, senior computer programmer, and senior project manager in the technology fields. John’s IT career included almost ten years in Navy systems, during which he was mentored by—among others—a former submariner who had been in a real-life Hunt for Red October scenario during the Cold War. In John’s most recent fiction, it has been a natural fit, therefore, to give his protagonist a strong connection to Xray, a top-secret Navy entity and the creation of John’s imagination.

John has written a number of short stories and was published in North Atlantic Review. Then John turned his focus to writing thrillers. John is an avid reader of nonfiction in the form of books, periodicals, and reputable online sources, and he strives to add realism to his works of fiction. Xray is his latest Mike Norris thriller. John’s other works of fiction are INTEL, Sneak Attack, and The Sun in the Eastern Sky.

© John McCord

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John McCord