John McCord

John McCord, September 10, 2020


As many of you may already know from viewing my previous website, my book The Sun in the Eastern Sky has not been available through popular outlets like Amazon for several months. I have been investigating the situation, and working diligently to try to correct it, and I can offer a probable explanation of why. It appears that the company that provided publishing services to me years ago to enable me to publish Eastern Sky has begun to shut down operations. To complicate things further they put the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) in their name—as opposed to my name—and relied on another company to actually publish my work.

A side note here: I will never allow that to happen again for any of my current or future publishing endeavors!

But the bottom line is that at present my book, The Sun in the Eastern Sky, has very limited availability. The good news is that I still have some copies on hand, and if you’re going to be in the Charlotte area, I can get one to you! You may get in touch with me via my website’s Contact page.

I will post any further developments concerning the book’s general availability on my Blog page – JM


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John McCord